L'inscription est maintenant ouverte pour l'automne 2024.Les cours seront offerts du lundi au mercredi 9h00 à 15h00 pour la cohorte de jour. Afin d’accommoder votre mode de vie, nous proposons également un horaire flexible en soirée et en fin de semaine.Les cours se donneront en personne, sauf si l’urgence sanitaire se prolongerait.Veuillez nous contacter pour informations.

Increase speed and performance by compressing core template CSS and Javascript files to much smaller sizes than the original! Enabling compression is a great way to boost your site's performance. It simply combines css and js into consolidated files. This reduces the downloads sizes and reduces the numbers of calls to your server, to dramatically help your site's overall performance. No data is lost during this process, just simply made smaller. Please note that this compression will only compress core template files, not third party files or files from extensions.

Note: Because this feature uses cached versions of your javascript and css this plugin should not be used while developing your site and should only be enabled after you have completed your site.

Gzip must be installed on your server and enabled in PHP in order to function.

See It In Action!

Without Compression Enabled:

With Compression nabled:

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Collège BCM

Campus Notre Dame de Foy
QC, H3X 2T8
Tel :514-733-3777
Fax :514-733-9250

Proximité de la station de Métro Namur
Lignes d'autobus Coolbrook/Vézina
Stationnement gratuit