L'inscription est maintenant ouverte pour l'automne 2024.Les cours seront offerts du lundi au mercredi 9h00 à 15h00 pour la cohorte de jour. Afin d’accommoder votre mode de vie, nous proposons également un horaire flexible en soirée et en fin de semaine.Les cours se donneront en personne, sauf si l’urgence sanitaire se prolongerait.Veuillez nous contacter pour informations.
The floating menu feature is a great way for your users to easily navigate your website! The floating menu will show at the top of your browser once the screen reaches a certain point. You can determine the exact point at which this occurs via the template specific area of Vertex. NOTE: This is a Vertex addition and is not guaranteed to work with all Vertex Templates. Some custom CSS may need to be adjusted per template. This feature is not supported by IE7/8.

Features at a glance:

  • Set a background image to the menu, gradient or solid color
  • Set to snap or smooth scroll in
  • Determine at which point as you scroll down your page that the menu drops in
  • and many more features, just check out the screenshot below

Admin area of the Floating Menu:

parallax menu admin


imagecdnf oficiel

Collège BCM

Campus Notre Dame de Foy
QC, H3X 2T8
Tel :514-733-3777
Fax :514-733-9250

Proximité de la station de Métro Namur
Lignes d'autobus Coolbrook/Vézina
Stationnement gratuit